Saturday, October 31, 2009


I am tired of : being alone.

I am listening to: haven't met you yet – micheal buble.

Maybe I should: sleep coz I have pengilan to attend tomorrow.

I wish : my life would be less complicated.

Chocolate is : nikmat dunia no 3.

I have lost my respect for: berebut lelaki (I would never do that..ever!)

I last ate : yong tau fu!yummmeyyy.

The meaning of my display name is: me..the real me.

Someday : I will be the best engineer and I will find my true life love (:

I will always remember: Allah is always there for me..for bad and for worst.

Love is : a subject I have yet exempted.

Today: is Saturday.

Tomorrow : pegi pengilan orang kawen.

Party : always dream of going masquerade party.


Is your cell phone beside you?
* yep..andd next to my Mr. Laptopus.

Are you wearing chap stick?
* no laa

Are you tired?
* hell yeah!

Are you wearing pajamas?
* pajamasuit..hahah kedak barney (HIMYM)

Are you mad?
* no.

Are you upset?
* not really.

Last beverage?
* Teh Lipton yag sodapp.

Last phone call?
* roomies.

Last time you cried?
* can't recall..hmm last raya I think.

List 2 favorite colors:
* purple and green.

Made a new friend?
* yes.

Fallen out of love?
* hmm..i don't think so.

Laughed until you almost cried?
* yes.

Met someone who changed your life?
* not really.

Have you found out who your true friends and best friends were?
* not this month..i found them before this.hehe.

Wallpaper on your cell phone?
* my 'keluang-man-pose' picture.who else???

Whats the most interesting thing that happened to you today?
* I have no worries today.

Whats your favorite number?
* 85

What is your current mood?

Last people you hung out with?
* who else??Kamal and Sheeda of course.

What color shirt are you wearing?
* white.

Whos car were you in last?
* Sheeda

What color is your hair?
* Black.

If you could have one thing right now what would it be?
* hmm.i want The Lost Symbol book by Dan Brown.

When is your birthday?
* May 22.

How do you feel about your hair right now?
* just perfect!

How is your life?
* messed up!

When is the last time you held hands with someone?
* last 4 years.

You wake up as the opposite gender...whats the one thing you do?
* I should ask a guy what usually the first thing they do when woke up in the morning.

Friday, October 30, 2009 wish list!

Tok lah wish list aku untuk taunt ok..yahh sapa maok cia ku meli buku tok.Aku minat GILAAAAA ngan buku Dan Brown.Duak-duak films (Da Vinci Code ngan Angels & Demons) Dan Brown yang diadaptasikan dari buku nya pun aku dah tangga rah wayang waima DVD cetak rompak sekalipun.Bukan sekali bukan 2 atau 3 kali tapi dah 6 7 kali ku tangga..Aku agak obsess la ngan cerita-cerita Dan Brown tok sebab nya ngajar audien mikir lebih dalam untuk mecah codes.huhuhu..malam tadik punya pasal lah tok aku alu angau ngan buku tok.Terjumpa kat MPH Jusco Wnagsa Maju.RM99 mun sikda membership card lah.Pi aku mok juak orang cia ku meli..hahahhaa..sapa-sapa murah ati cia ku meli!


Thursday, October 29, 2009

Presentasiii..rama-rama dalam perutku.

tok logo company mekorg

Monday, 26th October

Al-Khalil Conference Room, CELPAD

Aritok grup aku presentation untuk subjek EOP (English for Occupational Purposes) LE4100.Subjek tok fun sebab sik macam core course yang lain. As usual lah nak blaja language.Tapi kali tok more to applications yang kita akan guna masa keja kelak…InsyaAllah.Mekorang disuruh form a company dikmpun.Company aku tok nama nya Green Enviro (M) Sdn Bhd.Cewwaahhh..haha more to biotechnology-based company.Since aku majoring in Mechatronics so aku blur gilaaa..haha..terutama pasal machine yang dipakey,chemical-chemical,and testing2 segala.So aku pun diberik jawatan Chief Financial Officer.Haha..aku kira mata duitan lah lam company tok.Everything pasal cost and duit.Company mekorang invent Transgenic Duckweed.

Kepada adik kakak yang siktauk Transgenic Duckweed ya apa..hmm nya adalah duckweed yang telah dialter dari segi khasiat nya..hahaha supaya membantu untuk menmerangkap toksik didalam aik.Kajian tok konon-kononnya pakey Indah Water lah tek konok.Lamak-lamak bok ku asa best juak molah research tok since lamak tok ku main oscilloscope,letrik,mechanical benda alah ya suma.Tok dapat lah juak lah aku nangga chemical suma-suma ya walaopon dalam gamba sajorkkkk..hehehe..

tok la gamba yg ku kagum ilak ya..ngeeeee.

Mekorang grup first yang present so best juak lah.Cdak miak clas gik lom berani nak nanyak banyak soklan bah..heee..and since mekorang lupak nak ngembak camera so aku xpat lah nak ngeso gamba presentation ya.


Saturday, October 24, 2009

..and I laugh again in EOP class

Wednesday, 21st October 2009, 1100am

EOP class, E5 level 2.

Urghhhh ahernya aku semangat datang class EOP awal memandangkan before tok aku suka datang lambat 5-10 minutes. Datang-datang class aku as usual akan duduk rah second row from front class. Class EOP agak fun la mun nak duduk depan compare to class ADSP yang menggerunkan aku ya nak (since Dr. Momoh suka nanyak soklan randomly mostly to sapa-sapa yang duduk depan matanya). Okay bebalit ngan cita ku tek. Aku sik ingat aritok presentation day,ermmm duhal da sigek grup gik lom present.Grup cdak brothers (panggilan untuk student lelaki and sisters untuk pompuan of course).Sedang aku duduk melangut whiteboard nunggu cikgu datang,tiba-tiba pintu tebukak.Duhal grup yang nak present pagi tok tek.Pfffffff..

Aku pun merati la cdak brothers tok melekat ketas majong pakey present.Sambil-sambil ya pat juak ku merati nak sorang tok.HOT ka??sik juak la.nya tinggi sbb yak u suka the way,nak sorang brader tok tengah ngelepar nyiapkan notes rah ketas majong nya.BOLEH SIKK??heloo presentation in any minutes nya bok nak nulis.haha..dah nama rolaki koh.Lom lamak ku cuci mata datang la cikgu.So the presentation is starts….

Bro. HOT: our grup will present about "Effectives Skills in Presentation"..bla bla pok pek pok pek…

Bro. 2:..I will continue on the types of bla bla pok pek pok pek…

Bro. 3: Now we proceed to bla bla pok pek pok pek…and the last subtopic will be presented by my fren…

Bro. 4:…bla bla bla bla..there are several types of gestures..bla bla..let say leaning,we can see Abdul Rahman (salah sorang classmate mekorg) is sitting while leaning his body.As a good presenter,we shud sit in a proper manner bla blah..yada yada yada..

Masa Bro. 4 ya merik example Abdul Rahman ya suka duduk menyandar,Abdul Rahman pun muka sik ada respons langsung.Sambil matanya tetap nangga lantei or meja or ntah mekorang pun sik tauk.So time ya suma orang tetak nangga nya sebab sik merik respon apa-apa pun.Ingat tek nya akan nangga muka presenter ya sambil metol cara duduk nya.Occay fine ya sik pa gik.Next…

Bro. 4:There also several types of facial expression…blah blah yada yada..let say frozen face. (Sambil ya mata nya melirik ke arah Abdul Rahman)

Masa mata nya melirik ke arah Abdul Rahman ya..guess wat?Abdul Rahman still dengan muka sikda respon-tangga lantei-blur..That's the great example.Mula-mula suma orang tekejut but then..satu clas nang tetak leput-leput.Aku pun tetak sampey nitis aik mata.My Godness,what did the brother expect!!Nya ya presenter as well as a centre of attraction.Of course la suma orang akan merati nya dari suma aspek.Sah-sah nya nang sengaja nak merik "contoh" ya dengan "nunjuk" rah Abdul Rahman tapi dengan harapan nya sik obviously "nunjuk"..apakaa..suma orang lam class ya masih tetak dalam beberapa minit pasya.Aku sama juak nya sampey ku kenak cubit oleh kawan depan ku.Seriously,mun tokrang ada dalam class ya baruk tokrang rasa camne aku rasa.Pi at the end of the class aku rasa guilty juak netak nya gya ilak..huhuhu..SORRY Abdul Rahman.It's not all about you,but the expression of Bro. 4 ya reli makes me wanna laugh.


Thursday, October 22, 2009

♥ 100 TRUTH ♥

Occay..aku malas nak polah entri baru.malas nak naip.Gik bisa palak ku tok lom bait aku polah jak 100 truth tok.layannnnn..

1. Last beverage: hot tea..hoyeahhh.
2. Last phone call: mi mom.
3. Last text message: to: mi sista.
4. Last song you listened to: haven't met you yet..stil playing tho.
5. Last time you cried: last week watching grey's anatomy..o'malley die duhh.

6. Dated someone twice: nope.
7. Been cheated on: hell yeahh.
8. Kissed someone & regretted it: nope.
9. Lost someone special: yes!
10. Been depressed: yes up until my graduation day.
11. Been drunk and threw up: yuckss..hell no!

12. purple
13. white
14. green

15. Made a new friend: yess!
16. Fallen in of love: nope!
17. Laughed until you cried: yup..several times.
18. Met someone who changed you: not really.
19. Found out who your true friends were: yes!
20. Found out someone was talking about you: ada aku kesah??
21. Kissed anyone on your friend's list: cheek-kissing counted??
22. How many people on your friends list do you know in real life: 90%
23. How many kids do you want?: 4 insyaAllah
24. Do you have any pets: nope..looking forward for a 'kura-kura' (:
25. Do you want to change your name: hell NO!
26. What did you do for your last birthday: celebrate wif my sista at JB.
27. What time did you wake up today: 1135am??
28. What were you doing at midnight last night: watching one tree hill s7.
29. Name something you CANNOT wait for: my convocation day!
30. Last time you saw your Mother: 28th September 2009..balik raya.
31. What is one thing you wish you could change about your life: being more 'rajin' instead of 'malas'
32. What are you listening to right now : haven't met you yet (micheal buble).
33. Have you ever talked to a person named Tom: TOM TOM BAK!
34. What's getting on your nerves right now: FYP 2!
35. Most visited webpage: fesbuk & blog.
36. Whats your real name: Sri Hanna bt. Ajak
37. Nicknames: seri,nana.
38. Relationship Status: single mingle.
39. Zodiac sign: Gemini.
40. Male or female?: 100% female.
41. Primary School?: SRK Dato' Shariff Hamid (1992-1997).
42. Secondary School?: SMK Telang Usan (1998-2002).
43. High school/college?: International Islamic University Malaysia (2003-present).
44. Hair colour: black.
45. Long or short: mid-length.
46. Height: 154cm.
47. Do you have a crush n someone?: YES!
48: What do you like about yourself?: everything.
49. Piercings: limited to ears only.
50. Tattoos: hell no.
51. Righty or lefty: righty righteous!huhu.

52. First surgery: 3 or 4 jahitan kat dahi oleh ku terer main gelongsor.
53. First piercing: ears only!
54. First best friend: donna.
55. First sport you joined: hmmphh.pass!
56. First vacation: KK,Sabah.
58. First pair of trainers: hmmmph.sik ingat.

59. Eating: keropok ikan yummy!
60. Drinking: aik the lipton kegemaranku.
61. I'm about to: pee.urghhh.
62. Listening to: haven't met you yet..pelu ka ulang soklan tok.
63. Waiting on: my headache will be gone forever..urghhhhh.

64. Want kids?: hell yeah!
65. Get Married?: yes
66. Career?: engineer.amin.

67. Lips or eyes: eyes.
68. Hugs or kisses: hugs.
69. Shorter or taller: taller.
70. Older or Younger: both.
71. Romantic or spontaneous: spontaneously romantic
72. Nice stomach or nice arms: nice eyes??
73. Sensitive or loud: sensitively loud.
74. Hook-up or relationship: relationship.
75. Trouble maker or hesitant: troubleshooter??

76. Kissed a stranger: euww.
77. Drank hard liquor: haram!
78. Lost glasses/contacts: thank God I m not rabun.
79. Sex on first date: apakaa?
80. Broken someone's heart: sik sure.
82. Been arrested: kenak tego polis main Frisbee tgh malam.
83. Turned someone down: hmmph.xtauk lah.
84. Cried when someone died: absolutely yes!
85. Fallen for a friend?: nope.

86. Yourself: yes!
87. Miracles: maybe.
88. Love at first sight: cita Hindustan jak gya nak.
89. Heaven: wajib ku cayak.
90. Santa Claus: sik adoo.
91. Kiss on the first date: apakaa?
92. Angels: wajip!

94. Had more than 1 girlfriend/boyfriend at a time?: lom ku sekenja ya.
95. Did you sing today?: ari2 ku karok depan laptop.
96. Ever cheated on somebody?: never.
97. If you could go back in time, how far would you go? : hmmph..high school period.
98. If you could pick a day from last year what would it be?: 22nd May??
99. Are you afraid of falling in love?: hell yeahh.
100. Posting this as 100 truths?: of course.

Thursday, October 8, 2009

Syawal 2009 part I

Dah masuk 19 Syawal aritok.Dah bedebu blog ku tok sik dilawat koatan gago raya tek nak.Aku nak wish Selamat Hari Raya Aidilfitri kepada famili ku,sahabat sejati ku (donna,JJ,ajieb,as gonjeng,jedy,boy),sahabat-sahabat ku yang aku kenal dari sekolah rendah,sekolah menengah,uia waima yang aku kenal di tepi-tepi jeraya.Aku dengan rendah dirik menyusun 10 jari jemari memohon ampun dan maaf atas keterlanjuran kata,mulut berbisa,laser AAK aku selama setahun tok aku bersama tokrang suma.Halalkan juak lah apa yang aku termakan terminum or terguro ngan kitorang suma.Aku insan biasa jak ada molah salah.Sikda ku perfect ilak bah.

So,raya tok aku makin rasa masa kin cepat jak.Nunggu raya kemain gik oh,dah raya ya sik juak gney2.Plus taun tok raya sunyik dikit compare ngan raya lepas-lepas.Aku pun dah makin tua juak nak.So eksaitet ya kureng la.Lain la jeman nembiak dolok marek.Belom gik raya mala jak ngetest baju raya,kasut raya segala.Sampey lekat bau badan rah baju lom juak lejuk.Nektok rumbulak baju sik abis bepakey.

Aku lom dapat nak ngepost gamba raya taun tok since ku lom ambik sofkopi gamba ya dari kakak ku.So cemni ngan raya tokrang?Best x?Since aku raya ngan famili so best la.Jerak dah ku beraya sekali jaoh dari famili.Jerak tobat ku sikmok lagik.Jaik ati koh.So kepada yang beraya di perantauan ya banyak-banyak saba k.Tangga jak betapa meriah raya mekorang ngan lampu tuntong,rendang,aik lemenet and kek lapis segala.huhu.

Disebabkan raya taun tok agak suram suam-suam kuku,aku ngan best buddy ku pun molah plan bejarah raya/ngabang raya ke-2.Rombongan bejarah raya ke-2 tok disertai oleh aku,ajieb,jedy,as gonjeng,boy bf,kakak ku,dedek (abg ajieb) & kak emot (seniorita ku).Ehh lupak.Erol (kazen boy bf) ngan tunang nya pun ada juak.Menaiki 2 buah keta & berbekalkan mukasiktaukmalu-rajinngabang-bykladosa-nakmintakampun mekorang setat dari umah ass gonjeng since nak mintak perkenan mak nya untuk ngembak ass tok beraya (besa lah anak mak nak).Pasya mekorang g umah kak emot,pasya gi umah clasmet lamak mekorg ajot.Ajot koh,terit jak tiap-tiap taun mekorg ngagak umah nya,sik juak nya dtg umah mekorang.Kecik ati lokk.Pasya penutup ya pegi la umah jedy since nya tek koat nak nyuruh gi umah nya.

Dah raya ke-3 sik juak puas mekorang bejarah.So polah la second trip gik malam ya.Kali tok korum dah betukar.Aku,boy,ass,erol,suzie & angela (duak2 ya seniorita ku).Malam ya sik banyak gi umah plus ngagak umah ass & jedy buat kali ke-2.Aku ngan boy paksa molah muka tebal.

Dah raya ke-4 makin la sik rami orang so aku duduk jak umah sambil layan muvie raya..Peras sunggoh bah.Aku tiap-tiap taun sik penah missed dengar takbir rah tibi especeli canel astro ria.Taun tok aku sik tauklah.Sidak Astro yang sik banyak masang bideo takbir ka aku yang sik alert time takbir ya.Seyes aku sikda dengar langsung.Sedihh.Abis sigek rutin aku taun tok.

Tapi tok dah balit uia sooo here it comes.Bala ujian midterm,quiz,FYP2..duhh.Aku dapat berdoa allah permudahkan segala urusan aku.Mun nak dipikey memang sik tertanggung lah koh.Mun upgred otak aku jadi 2 tingkat pun lom tentu dapat abis mikey suma keja.So don't thin,just do it.Yerrrrr niru NIKE indah apakaa..inggerrr sunggoh.Occay la adik kakak.Aku suda maun tido.Sampai ketemu di Syawal 2009 Part II.
