wow cuti lamak pon busann..i feel bad when i got quite few bad news before i came back home last two weeks..before i finished my last paper my eldest sister told me that she will be transferred to kuching.Of course as a wife she must grab that offer because her hubby is already in kuching in this few months.But,suddenly I silent and cry.I really miss my family and especially my noty2 niece and cutey2 nephew.Nasib baik balik Marudi a day after my final paper so I have five days nak manja2 ngan dorang.Erm..on 9th nov i'm homeeee..huhu..first person i saw of cos la my babu..then wewish..and eisya..aiyo manyak mulot oo itu budak.My eldest sis pon balik cepat2 sebab nak jumpa her beloved sis..yeahhh..pastu terus amek gamba ngn eisya..tadaa...On 15th nov satu family g miri hantar my eldest sis.On the way semua muram jak..sedeh maa..tetiba jak rasa rumah sunyi..Salu mesti dengar eisya jerit2+wewish jerit2 dalam babywalker..huhu..At 5pm we're going to Miri airport.After done check-in,lepak-ing kat airport but still sedeyh2..

view journey Marudi to Miri...


riena & eisya...

wewish & the flower tots..haha...

the day before go to Kuching...
hurmm.. on 16th nov we're going back to Marudi.But we got a bad news.My grandmother in Lawas is sick.My bapak then make a decision that we have to go back to Lawas since it was almost a year we haven't back to Lawas.The day after,we sign up a form to get a passport since we will use our own car to Lawas.Insya Allah we will go to Lawas in this few days..hurmm..balik umah memang best,balik Lawas memang best since dapat gi Brunei+Limbang+Sabah but yet I still feel sad because I really2 dying miss my sis and her children..huhu..muaxxx eisya & wewish...when I stop and look back,all this things happened macam makan acar timun tergigit halia..huhu...sedap tapi..hurmm tau2 la rasa halia..choww..